Our Services

Accommodation Services

Our counselors offer assistance in arranging your preferred accommodation options (e.g. on-campus accommodation, off-campus accommodation, home-stay) to make your stay in Australia unforgettable!

Airport Assistance

We conduct briefing sessions prior your departures and give you information about how to get the public transports, Once you arrive at the airport, you can easily make a connection to your destination in Australia.

Collaboration Services within Institutions

Our counselors have contacts with various universities and colleges and can be the connecting link between the different institutions, making it possible to collaborate. In that sense they can assist institutions to connect in order to offer different services to the students, like taking preparatory classes, going on an exchange year, offering a double degree at two different universities etc. For more information about partner institutions of the respective university you can contact us.

College/University Selection

Australia is one of the strongest and well reputation countries that provide strong education system, from School sector, VET (Vocational Education and Training) sector & Higher Education sector . There are many universities and colleges that offer different programs and degrees that are qualified with domestic and international students. Our counselors are proudly to help you in identify and choose your preferred college/university.

Course Selection

Our counselors will be able to assist you in selection of units & courses which you are qualified  to enroll, based on your existing qualification.

English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS)

The ELICOS sector is a very important one in the Australian education system as it provides international students with a wide variety of options to learn English, and enables students to enter other education sectors at all levels.Our counselors will be selecting the right one for you, from the available courses.

Admissions to Universities/College

We have various of education providers that offers various of courses in Australia that matches our applicants goals and qualifications. Our team member will provide assistance throughout the processes.

Oversea Student Health Cover/Oversea Visitor Health Cover

Our Counselors will provide assistance to ensure you have adequate health insurance. Otherwise, our team members will be able to assist you in selecting suitable health insurance (e.g. Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)/Oversea Visitor Health Cover (OVHC))

Pre-departure and Post-Arrival Services

Our counselors conduct briefing sessions on departures and guide our students about the way to avoid problems while studying in Australia. We will give you information about how to get public transports, accommodation, jobs and things students mostly require. Furthermore, we will assure that whoever needs assistance after landing in Australia. We urge our newly arrived students to call us whenever they feel nostalgic or need help. Our team member receive phones call from people who are in urgent need of our help.

Visa Assistance (Student Visa only, or to get MRA onboard to cover additional services)

Our Counselors will provide assistance in your student visa application.